Who can you imagine with a better record and proven capability?
Links below, mostly Quick Video summaries - And, then, see, on this site, deeper facts about these:
The Story Of GOVERNOR Mitt Romney, the huge challenge (Video, 10 min.) - "To have a grown-up in the corner office, someone who doesn't let the children play with our tax dollars is a major asset." "What you see is what you get. He is a straight shooter." "Mitt Romney cares and he is fearless. I know he is a man of compassion. He is a man of integrity. The kind of character that he has and the concerns that he has, he believes in family. He's always wanted to know what was going on and how he could help."
CONSERVATIVE VALUES AND FISCAL STRENGTHS (Written) - He meets a yes on all conservative values and the highest on fiscal strengths (a combination of balancing the budget as a value and the ability to implement) - He will get extraordinary results for the United States and for all the people.