Simply glance at the key points if you wish and use the links if you wish more detail and/or understanding.
This plan will grow net jobs for current residents and add job creators from foreign born workers/students.
Only Mitt Romney has the CEO skills to implement this at the highest degree. After all, the "job" is to be the Chief Executive Officer Of The United States Of America, not just an ideologue or an amateur who doesn't know how to run organizations effectively.
Tax - Encourage investment - Eliminate for those below $200,000 taxes on interest, dividends, gains
Reconstruct for lower, flatter, simpler taxes
Corporate tax - Eliminate competitive disadvantage with other countries; lower from 35% to 25%
Energy - Streamlined for rapid progress, only rational regulations (safety, etc.)
Increase production dramatically of energy resources and ration nuclear
Support pipelines Canada to U.S. refineries - Good jobs effect
Do research and development funding directly and efficiently, not by investing in companies,
which government is not capable of evaluating well; alternative energy funding concentrated
on research.
Regulation - Cost to the economy of federal regulations: $1.75 trillion.
Cut to what is safe and practical; recognize and cut regulatory costs to eliminate undue
economic burdens on businesses; provide predictable, workable basis to provide certainty
and encourage expansion.
- Repeal ObamaCare
- Repeal Dodd-Frank; replace with streamlined regulatory framework
- Amend Sarbanes-Oxley to relieve mid-size companies from onerous requirements
- Do a review of Obama era regulations and eliminate undue burdens on the economy
- Reform environmental regulation - Eliminate ineffective and/or harmful regs, consider in cost context and give proper lead times
- Reform legal liability system to prevent spurious litigation (!!!)
Commentary: Andy Puzder (Explaining effect on companies, including his)
Trade - Open new markets, reinstating President's trade promotion authority
Create the Reagan Economic Zone
Confronting China and the broad set of problems and the immense trade deficit problem, use
strong, rational negotiating techniques where willing to walk away if necessary; no timidity
- Expand resources to prevent illegal entry of goods; litigation against unfair trade practices
- Discontinue U.S. Government procurement from China until it complies
leadership on opening new markets.
Labor - Assure stable playing field on which businesses can operate effectively, with no worry of harmful
- Amend NLRA to explicitly protect the right of business owners to allocate their capital as
they see fit. (!!!)
Unions have rights, and assure free choice so that workers have rights; assure adequate
information to make an informed choice
- Free speech - Unions not take money from paychecks to spend on politics without permission
of the worker
Human capital - (8% = lawful immigrants; 16% = immigrants founders of leading high-tech firms; 25% as
share of lead engineer and)
CEOs of high-tech firms)
Retraining in partnership with private sector, and streamlining bureaucracies to free up
moneys for better use.
- Especially to insure education and skills to match the jobs of today's economy.
Encourage states to use a system of Personal Reemployment Accounts to provide on
the job training for the unemployed (in Mass., Governor Romney did that).
Immigration policy leading to growth and benefits for all citizens: Enable and encourage
the best and the brightest to stay and to come here; provides innovation, creates jobs.
- Raise visa cap for highly skilled workers; grant residency to advanced degree grads
in math, science, and engineering.
- Prevent illegal immigration, in a practical way - Tight controls via EVerify, large
penalties for employers who hire them, dry up the opportunities for jobs to cause
Immediately cut non-security discretionary spending by 5% (more later)
Reform and restructure Medicaid as block grant to state.
Align wages and benefits of government worker with market rates
Reduce Federal workforce by 10% via attrition (and more later)
Fundamentally restructure government programs and services
Cap and balance the federal budget
Cap Federal spending at 20% of GDP
Balanced Budget Amendment